Sunday, 29 May 2011

Sayur Campur Pucuk Paku...vegetables without pesticide residue!

Selama ini tidak kutahu bahawa pucuk paku ini juga boleh dibuat sayuran....!

...dicampur dengan pucuk paku yang ini...haa yang ni saya memang tanam...ada dua kelompok besar di belakang umah...tapi yang atas tu...sentiasa dicabut buang...namun tetap muncul semula....kini dah tahu ia boleh dibuat sayur mungkin tidak akan dibuang-buang sajer....

kedua-dua paku-pakis di atas dicampur pula dengan pucuk Buah Leletup ini ....juga selama ini saya tidak tahu ia boleh dibuat sayur....semua pucuk-pucuk ini beserta Pucuk Meniding atau Pakis Merah..... sedap sebagai sayur masak lemak berencahkan isi ikan yang telah direbus dan ditumbuk...lebih sedap lagi jika dicampur sotong atau udangIni pastinya hidangan sayuran yang lebih menyihatkan...tidak seperti sawi dan kobis, sayur-sayuran ini tiada sisa racun serangga  padanya.....

Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Bunga Tongking...

...namanya tidak seindah mawar pujaan ramai...namun harumnya mampu menawan jiwa..di zaman kecil dulu pernah makan kerabu bunga tongking....tapi aaahh kini tak pernah jumpa....rasanya pun tidak dapat diingati.

My Telosma cordata in bloom....exuding delicious fragrance.

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

My yearnings.....

Aahhh this stubborn gardener simply cannot snuff out a burning desire to have a blueberry plant of her own....i know blueberries need a  lot of chilling hours which Malaysia simply cannot provide....but there are new varieties that need very low chilling hours...of about 150...n i wonder if our cool to cold (Malaysian standard...that is!!) weathers of the monsoon season would qualify...??  would suffice...???  i wonder...n wonder ...errrmmm that sets me itching again for a blueberry plant of my own....i wonder if there is anyone in Malaysia...who has a bluberry plant in his/her Cameron Highlands probably...or Fraser's Hill....???

Thursday, 5 May 2011

Gladiolus callianthus/Acidanthera

i am sooo happy to see my Acidanthera/Gladiolus callianthus    has returned....when i first got them...there were only three bulbs...they grew well and bloomed....but i did not snap any pics...cos they were not as beautiful as advertised by the garden nurseries that are selling them!! Then they died out... i was'nt worried coz i know that is the nature of bulbs...after flowering the leaves will die off but the bulbs below live on....but next they came up....though more plants grew...they did not flower...until these all died out....that was some time ago...only now i see new growth....well.. i pray they'll grow well  and reward me with some blooms....yep..yep...i know...they may not b happy in our hot n humid climate and may not flower at all...but as i mentioned earlier ...i m one stubborn gardener....!!!

...of course the ordinary gladiolus or sword lily has no problem blooming here...n these are come backs which i hope will bloom in

A Starry Night....

It is a starry night tonight....n i found this pic on the it very much......reminds me of a poem i wrote which i've turned into a song....
As I gaze up Your night sky
Sometimes so dark
Sometimes so full of stars
I wonder where You are
Are You out there in the universe
Or here deep in my heart
Mom said You are everywhere
As  I gaze up Your day sky
So bright and full of glare
                      That hurts my eyes                                     
I know You are everywhere
But Allah….I always wonder why
If ever You are far
And if ever You are near
Are You out there in the universe
Or here deep in my heart
Mom said…You are everywhere….

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Use for your egg shells

Just an idea to share....if you are one who likes having soft boiled eggs for breakfast....don't simply break the shells and throw them away....if you only make a hole enough for you to get to your yummy egg without breaking the can use it as a 'receptacle' for sowing seeds in...of course you will have to punch in drainage holes ...simply use something sharp.....and be gentle ....better to have the empty eggshell sitting on a bed of sand to cushion it avoiding severe breakage.....and when the seedlings are of transplantable size you can simply plant it along with its container....which in time will biodegrade naturally ....
Jika anda suka makan telur separuh masak untuk sarapan pagi....jangan pecah dan buang kulit telur anda...ia boleh digunakan untuk menyemai biji benih seperti dalam gambar di atas....tapi pastikan anda ada menebuk lubang untuk laluan air siraman....

My Longan....

Alhamdullilllah    syukur  Pingpong Longan is blooming profusely this time......the last time around the fruit were rather sparse.....a few here and there...aahhhh this time hopefully the tree will be laden with lotz of fruit..insyaAllah....
......Longan Pingpong kali ini berbunga amat lebat......harap-harap buahnya menjadi....dulu dahlah tidak berapa lebat ....masaknya pulak tidak serentak....dua atau tiga butir....4 atau lima  ....errrmmm terkulat-kulat sajer....

Monday, 2 May 2011

Fragrant roses beckon me to the garden.....
Haruman mawar di taman menggamit ku turun melawatnyer...Alhamdullillah...indahnyer hidup ini !!
My Curcuma is blooming again....but i do not know what cultivar it is.....
Dan curcumaku berbunga lagi....cantik...tapi x tahu apa namanya...apa cultivar ini...?
My Fuchsia seems to be under stress from the great heat of the season....

aaahhh Fuchsiaku kelihatan menaglami stres dari cuaca panas ini.....!! Bertahanlah sayang...cuaca sejuk pasti datang nanti.....

My Rosmarinus officianalis is gone....forever....discovered that its roots were bound tightly in the little plastic container in which it was originally it's a goner...and i learnt a lesson time i'd check out the root ball of the plant before transplanting it!!!!!
Waduh....Rosmarinus officianalisku...setelah dibelai sekian lama... pergi meninggalkan kami sekeluarga...'arwah'lah dah dia nampaknyer....innallillahhiwainnailaihirajiuun... kini tahu dah apa sebabnyer....!! Keratan asal ini disemai pada bekas plastik yang kecil ...akarnyer terperangkap di dalamnyer x dpt bebas sehingga membunuhnyer...!! Kesilapanku ialah semasa kutanam  dulu...tidak kuperiksa dan buangkan bekas plastik itu...!!!
In memoriam...
Dalam Kenangan......!!!

This is another rosemary i just got.....but it is a different species...with softer stems....
haaa...ini pengganti barunyer...tapi cultivar yang sedikit berbeza...tumbuhnyer melempai....batang lembut tidak sekeras yang lama dulu...tapi yang 'arwah' tu ada keratan yang telah disemai dan nampaknyer sedang bertahan...err doing quite well...jugaklah.....

My Evodia suaveolens/Zodia  seems to be doing well....errmm the leaves smell ...errr 'nice'...simply can't wait to  smell its blooms.....i know they are nothing much to see....tiny insignificant blooms...but aahhh smells 'nice'...well i am not sure what adjective to describe the smell actually....but i know it is rather strongly ...deliciously..?? fragrant...!
Evodia suaveolens/Zodia yang dibawa pulang awa dr Indo...nampaknya hidup subur...errmm daunyer berbau sedap...tak sabar tunggu ia berbunga....asalnyer ada 10 anak pohon ini...tapi mungkin akan  tinggal 9....satu tu telah layu bbp hari lalu...tak pulih2....bakal pergi meninggalkan kami jugak...barangkali...!?

Two more zodia 'babies' here....and a mulberry cutting ....this cutting produced a hairy fruit some time ago....of course had to pinch it off...!!
Ini dua lagi anak zodia....tepi keratan mulberi...alhamdullah 3 keratan mulberi pemberian Tini uitm Machang...hidup belaka....syukur nikmatNya...!!!
Red Malabar spinach...
haaa...ini Malabar spinach merah....induknyer dah tak ada....tinggal anak2nya.....

This is a new place bought last year....hope to start a garden here soon....of course most of  whatever we have in the present garden may be planted here also sourcing for rare fruit trees ...
InsyaAllah pokok-pokok kesayanganku satu hari nanti akan berpindah ke tapak baru.....

this site is by a river...the Besut river....and there is also a tiny stream at the end of this land... the building in progress may one day be a 'homestay' for city folks wanting to escape the stressful-hustle-and-bustle of city life....
di Padang Che Teh, Besut.....yang sedang dibangunkan suami tersayang...errrmmm begitu dedikasi dia bekerja...setiap hari....balik sekolah sambung plak kerja 'kontrak'...! tak sabar barangkali nak lihat tempat barunyer ini siap dibangunkan......hajat2 hati nak buat homestay....insyaAllah....

My mangoes....are BIG!

Alhamdullillah syukur nikmat rezqi ini....pokok pauh di belakang rumah berbuah lebat....dan besar besar ....!!
Phew....the mango trees behind the house ...not only have lots of fruit...but the fruits are 'enormous'...well enormous in mango standard that is...!! These mangoes do not come  from the tree in the picture is from a different tree...just a few yards away from it

But...don't ask me...i don't know what species or what cultivar it is.....
errrmmmm apa cultivar nyer...tak pasti pulak...!! Yang atas meja tu dari pokok yang berbeza daripada yang dalam gambar nih....