Friday, 3 February 2012

My Coffee Plant....

i know that there are 3 different types of coffee plants....namely Coffee arabica, C. liberica, and C. robusta...but i do not know which of these 3 is mine... errrmmm very frustrating!!

Another frustrating thing is... tho it has bloomed many off a lovely LOVELY citrusy has never set fruit.... i long to see it laden with bright red berries.....hopefully this time today i see the blooms being swarmed by insects large and small... a lot of them flitting from bloom to bloom......i pray my wait this time will not be in vain.....simply could not understand why it refuses to set fruit....think coffee plants are self fertile....are they not...?? Or is there  a particular need for a particular pollinator that is not present here in my neigbourhood....??