Thursday, 25 April 2013

My Citrus hystrix or Limau Purut/ Kaffir Lime....

This is a newer plant in the garden.... the old one...which had given me lots of fragrant fruits in the past ....has long gone... so i bought another to replace it.... this is the first time it is going to bloom... hopefully eventually fruit...

...for i really love the refreshing fragrance of the Limau purut.....

The more suitable vs the less suitable.....

This is my  Ruellia brittoniana or Mexican petunia....

Though not a great favourite of mine... i do admit Mexican petunia in bloom is pretty..... it does cheer up the garden with its simple pretty face and strong colour...... the blooms only last a day....but there are always more to replace the spent  ones.... on top of that it is a very easy care-free plant.... !!

and this is my Vitex agnus-castus.....

As my poor wisteria...this poor darling is also perking up....producing new growth now that the temperatures are less hot... but i do not know if it will ever achieve the state of  the  luckier plants below.....siighhh... God gives me strenth to accept what i cannot change.... well at least i can smell the fragrant leaves....!!!
Source :  


Vitex agnus is a medicinal plant. It is used to alleviate symptoms of various gynecological problems. All evidence is limited to standardised controlled extracts such as used in Germany, different extracts or herbal mixes may have significantly different properties and safety issues. Some of the modern uses include premenstrual syndrome, abnormal uterine bleeding disorders and mastodynia. (Source :     

My poor wisteria.... perking up...n picking was so totally bare without any leaves before this.... as  the heat of day has relented somewhat... Alhamdullillah for the rain ....

Saturday, 20 April 2013

Quisqualis indica

.....also known as the Chinese honeysuckle, Rangoon Creeper, and Combretum indicum....  and mine is blooming profusely at the moment...and well...there is fragrance in the it!!

Friday, 12 April 2013

Papaya... a-long-ago-gift from a dear friend...

i had almost given up on this 'little feller'....could not remmember when i planted it....sooo long one time it nearly fell over...gave it a wooden crutch...only now it decided to reward me with some fruits....Alhamdullillah...and thank you again to my dear friend Din Kelate...syukran jaziilan wa jazakallahukhairan kathiiran ya akhii.....


Funny...despite the ease of cultivation and its beauty...i have never been an ardent fan of adenium....but i  admit some adeniums are really great beauties....  This is my first adenium... given as a baby plant by a dear friend many many moons ago.... errmmm pretty!!