Thursday, 27 February 2014

Blueberry Pink Lemonade and Yellow Raspberry

Yesterday was a very happy day...went to sleep last night with a  big big smile on my face...i am proudly announcing to the whole wide world that i am now the proud owner of a blueberry Pink Lemonade plant and an Everbearing Yellow Raspberry...thanks to Dmitri!

They were posted on the 17th February and reached my hands on 27th. Despite having arrived home very late, i made the time to plant them both. Not immediately...had to visit Ton's nursery in Kg Raja after Isya prayer to get 2 big pots and some gardening soil for my new plants.....

Blueberry Pink Lemonade from an ebay seller that Dmitri 'forwarded' to me.

Everbearing Yellow Raspberry from Dmitri.

Wednesday, 19 February 2014

win some ...lose some... siiggghhh...(for the 'losses from the losing..')

...yes i have lost a lot...seeds bought not germinating...but still stubbornly buying ...wrong technique possibly...pacifying self... DOAs...dead on arrival... well there are always risks in every venture one decides to undertake...still pacifying self...and i stubbornly go on buying...

Up to date am still  waiting for my Panache Fig and Summer Sunset Blueberry from Claire/Harvest-Clinic...which according to an eBay notice was posted on 31st January... i have begun to lose hope that they might still be alive upon arrival...if they do arrive soon....siiggghh am feeling rather sad now...

Panache Fig - offered by Harvest-Clinic at USD29.95

Summer Sunset Blueberry from Harvest-Clinic offered for  USD6.95

So the total payment made was....
Subtotal$36.90 USD
Shipping and handling$28.95 USD
Insurance - not offered----
Total$65.85 USD
Payment$65.85 USD
This charge will appear on your credit card statement as "PAYPAL *ERMA GIEM"
Payment sent to
From amountRM228.85 MYR
To amount$65.85 USD
Exchange rate: 1 Malaysian Ringgit = 0.287743 U.S. Dollars

Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Navel Orange and some new plants

Have been too preoccupied with FB the extent that this little blog has been rather neglected... despite some new arrivals in the garden....this delay made me forget the exact dates the new plants arrived.... first was Red Libya and BTM6 figs from a FB friend... Redland-FigCarica Pokok Tin ...Red Libya was in exchange for one of my 'Yellow' figs..while BTM6 was a purchase...this exchange and purchase was made on Tuesday 11th February....

Then came another  fig B110 Hybrid with a grape  Yellow Belgy....both purchased from another FB friend ...Fauzan Adenan....aah i forgot the exact arrival date...think it was on a Wednesday 12th February....the grape is growing fine green leaves...thus i have transferred into a pot...but the B110 fig...has not shown any encouraging growth yet up to date....

Next came a Miss Alice rose...a purchase together with rose food and a rose spray....from FB friend RoHani Bee...Rosa Miss Alice...a David Austin.. arrived on a Saturday..15th February 2014...planted on the same day... there are some buds on...hope will grow and bloom well....

Rosa Miss Alice...bought from RoHani Bee.

Then..only 2 days ago..16th February ...a macadamia nut sapling arrived very dried up...but still i planted it in a pot...praying it will survive.....only He determines whether this poor sapling will survive and grow up into a productive tree....

Finally a little update on the Navel Orange from Dmitri.... it is showing a lot of new growth...  i suppose this because spring has arrived in its 'kampong'....